American Heiress : The Kidnapping, Crimes and Trial Of Patty Hurst - Jeffrey Toobin

Composed on the 24th of August in the year 2017, at 03:36PM. It was Thursday.

The sorry progresses much in the way the subtitle of this book outlines.

We start with Patty Hurst's kidnapping, move through her indoctrination into the group that kidnapped her in the first place (the Simbionese Liberation Army), follow her crimes, her trial and her walking away from all of that mess through leveraging her power and wealth.

This book not only sheds light onto a real life story so bizarre it's seems created by the Coen Brothers; it shares a piece of American History that seems equally implausible. There was a time when activism and political awareness looked a lot more militant than it does today. In the 1970's in the San Francisco Area bombings were almost common place. The Anarchist's Cookbook was an actual published document referenced by civil activists - rather that a pre-internet document shared on bulletin board systems (BBS). People that were pro anarchy actually did their best to foster and spread it - all within a first world nation.

Toobin's book also outlines a simple fact in that era that's not too far off the mark in today's world. If you have enough money and power the laws of our society are nowhere near as constraining or binding for you as they are for others.

All in all this book is a good read documenting a true but fantastical tale that will definitely bring out your inner cynic - unless of course you happen to be one of the privileged few. If that is the case you'll find this story a heartwarming tale of hope, change and redemption.

Good Times!

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